NIH Household Air Pollution Research Training Institute
Photo by Jeff Gray for Fogarty/NIH
Attendees at the NIH Research Training Institute on Household
Air Pollution viewed hands-on demonstrations of cookstoves
and emissions testing.
In October 2012, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) convened a Research Training Institute on Household Air Pollution on the NIH campus in Bethesda, Maryland. The three-day training workshop aimed to develop expertise in indoor air pollution research. Faculty experts from academia, nongovernmental organizations, NIH and other government agencies gave lectures and hands-on demonstrations of cookstoves and emissions testing to about 20 trainee scientists from the U.S. and seven developing countries.
Selected Presentations from the NIH Household Air Pollution Research Training Institute
Welcome: The worst health risk you've never heard of [PDF 2M]
Jacob Moss, M.P.A., Director, U.S. Cookstoves Initiatives, Office of the Secretary of State, Global Partnership Initiative
NIH stove camp [PDF <1M]
Bill Martin, M.D., Associate Director for Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, NIH
Evolution of cooking stoves [PDF 6M]
Dean Still, Executive Director, Aprovecho Research Center
Developing stoves to achieve the 50 percent / 90 percent future: stoves in use that address health and climate issues [PDF 1M]
Dean Still, Executive Director, and Nordica MacCarty
Aprovecho Research Center
Cooking outdoors: a safer alternative [PDF <1M]
Dean Still, Executive Director; Kelley Grabow, Research Associate; Sam Bentson, Laboratory Manager; and Ryan Thompson, Aprovecho Research Center
U.S. EPA's laboratory test results for household cookstoves [PDF 1M]
Jim Jetter, M.S., Research Project Engineer, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Stoves 101: an introduction to improved biomass cookstoves [PDF 1M]
Christa Roth, Consultant, Food and Fuel
Kitchen ventilation to reduce air pollution levels from cookstove smoke [PDF <1M]
Christa Roth, Consultant, Food and Fuel
Exposure assessment [PDF <1M]
Patrick Breysse, Ph.D., Professor, Division of Environmental Health Engineering, Department of Environmental Health Sciences, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Stove adoption and the needed capacity building and training [PDF 5M]
Richard Grinnell, Vice President and COO, HELPS International
Testing the effects of a novel offer and marketing messages on uptake and usage of improved stoves in rural Uganda [PDF 1M]
Evan Haigler, M.S., Executive Director, Impact Carbon, and Co-Chair, Carbon Finance Working Group, Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves
Study design [PDF 4M]
Kirk Smith, Ph.D., Professor of Global Environmental Health, Associate Director for International Programs, COEH, School of Public Health, University of California, Berkeley
General overview of environmental epidemiology: concepts and challenges [PDF 1M]
Michael Bates, Ph.D., Adjunct Professor, Epidemiology, School of Public Health Divisions of Epidemiology and Environmental Health Sciences, University of California, Berkeley
Introduction to epidemiology [PDF <1M]
Kirk Morehead, Ph.D.(c), M.B.A.
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