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Country Eligibility for Fogarty International Training Grants

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As outlined in the May 2012 NIH Notice of Change in Country Eligibility for Fogarty International Training Grants (NOT-TW-12-011), Fogarty has historically limited eligibility for research training grants to institutions in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), as defined by the World Bank. With the rapid growth of research training opportunities funded by national governments in emerging economies around the world, this broad categorization today has become less meaningful in the context of Fogarty's biomedical research capacity-building goals. In particular, many countries in the upper-middle-income country (UMIC) bracket today have large and growing national research training programs and fellowship opportunities of their own. As a result, Fogarty revised its eligibility criteria in our research training programs for a subset of these nations, such that their participation is consistent with the traditional eligibility rules for upper-income country institutions. That is, they may participate as training partners, but may not receive support for their own trainees.

Rule for UMICs in the G20

Beginning with receipt dates after January 1, 2013, the following change in eligibility took effect for competing and re-competing research training grant applications (D43, D71, U2R mechanisms) and Emerging Global Leader Award applications (K43 mechanism) to Fogarty: With the exception of Sub-Saharan African countries, Fogarty will no longer accept research training or career development applications from or research training applications that involve training of scientists from UMICs that are also members of the G20

Beginning with receipt dates after May 1, 2019, this policy also applies to Extramural Associate Research Development Award applications (G11 mechanism).

As of July 2024, this includes Argentina, Brazil, China, Indonesia, Mexico, Turkey (Türkiye), and European Union member country Romania.

This list may change over time as countries change categories within these classifications.

  • This change does not preclude involvement of G20 UMIC countries as partners in Fogarty research training programs where the goal is to train scientists from eligible LMICs and to build research capacity at the LMIC institutions.
  • This change does not affect eligibility for Fogarty research grant programs (generally R and U mechanisms).
  • This change does not affect the eligibility rules for any other grant from any other component of the National Institutes of Health.
  • This does not preclude UMIC G20 country trainees from eligibility for Fogarty research training programs if their participation is specifically outlined in a bi-lateral agreement between Fogarty and international partner funding organizations for cooperative funding of such activities. Such agreements will be identified specifically in relevant funding opportunity announcements.
  • This country eligibility applies to Emerging Global Leader (K43) applications, but does not apply to International Research Scientist Development Award (K01) applications.
  • If a country’s status changes and institutions in that country are no longer eligible, applicants can submit applications for deadlines within 30 days of the change. For example, if the status changed on July 1, 2018, then applications will be accepted through July 31, 2018. Note: The World Bank usually updates its classifications annually on July 1.

Frequently Asked Questions about Country Eligibility for Training Grants

Review answers to frequently asked questions about changes to country eligibility for Fogarty training grants.

Are there any Fogarty funding opportunities open that can include the restricted G20 UMICs?

Yes, Fogarty supports several other funding opportunities that are not research training programs and consequently do not use the D43, D71 or U2R mechanisms. See the list of upcoming Fogarty Funding Opportunities - Dates and Deadlines.

What happens when the list of eligible countries changes in the future?

It is possible that currently eligible non-sub-Saharan African countries may move to the World Bank UMIC list and become members of the G20. Fogarty will not issue a new official Notice each time this happens. Applicants should review updates to the World Bank Country and Lending Groups and G20 members before beginning work on new applications.

What does it mean to be a "training partner"?

The Notice about the change in country eligibility for Fogarty international research training grants states, "This change does not preclude involvement of G20 [upper-middle-income] countries as partners in Fogarty research training programs where the goal is to train scientists from eligible [low- and middle-income countries (LMICs)] and to build research capacity at the LMIC institutions." G20 UMIC institutions and scientists can participate as training sites or as faculty, mentors and advisors for training LMIC scientists in U.S.-LMIC research training programs. However, grant funds cannot support the training of G20 UMIC scientists as part of these training programs.

Are the G20 UMICs still eligible for funding from other NIH Institutes and Centers?

Yes, the restriction only applies to Fogarty research training grant programs at this time.

Will Fogarty provide co-funding to grants from other NIH Institutes and Centers involving the excluded G20 UMICs?

Fogarty will not provide co-funding to other D43, D71 and U2R research training grants supported by other Institutes and Centers at NIH, but may co-fund all other types of grants.


Questions about your eligibility? Contact the scientific/research contact listed in the notice of funding opportunity (NOFO).

Please direct all other inquiries to:

Marya Levintova, Ph.D.
Program Officer, Division of International Training and Research (DITR)
Fogarty International Center
National Institutes of Health
Email: FICENQ@mail.nih.gov

Updated July 26, 2024