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E-learning Resources for Global Health Researchers

Two women seated at computer work stations view information on monitorsPhoto credit: FIC/David Snyder

Many organizations offer no- and low-cost e-learning resources to those working in the field of global health research. Resources include training courses, MOOCs and course materials (presentations, videos, reading lists, visual aids, articles), resource centers and resource networks.

Please feel free to send additional suggested resources to ficinfo@mail.nih.gov.

Note: Fogarty provides this collection of training resources to supplement the information found on this website. These resources are not produced by Fogarty and we cannot guarantee the accuracy of information provided on external websites. Inclusion in this collection of resources does not indicate an endorsement by Fogarty of the sponsors or of the information and products.

NIH and NIH-supported resources

E-learning Resource Networks

  • Africa Health Open Educational Resources (OER) Network - FREE
    A network of organizations and individuals working to advance health education in Africa by using open educational resources to share knowledge, address curriculum gaps, and support communities around health education. Find or create online resources, or collaborate and connect with others working in the field.
  • AuthorAID - FREE
    This global online network provides support, mentoring, resources and training for researchers in developing countries. The network helps these researchers publish and communicate about their work, and serves as a wider global forum to discuss and disseminate research.
  • Global Health Training Centre from the Global Health Network - FREE
    Features training materials and resources from across The Global Health Network. Provides research staff of all roles, regions and disease areas with ‘how-to’ training materials required to safely conduct high quality research. Includes short and modular courses, and e-Seminars. Register to gain access to community groups and post to the blog.
  • Open Education Global - FREE
    A collaboration of higher education institutions and associated organizations from around the world offering open educational content using a shared model. Access free online courses from member institutions, and join online communities on a variety of topics.
  • Researcher-developed resources from Global Alliance for Chronic Diseases (GACD) – FREE
    Resources developed through collaborations across GACD’s Research Network intended to advance the field of implementation science and non-communicable disease prevention and treatment.

Global Health Courses and Programs


  • CDC Learning Connection - FREE
    Quality trainings from CDC, other federal agencies, and federally funded partners.
    A comprehensive catalog of public health training opportunities from the Public Health Foundation
  • Field Epidemiology Training Program (FETP) - FREE
    Training modules and resources, including case studies and modules on noncommunicable diseases

Consortium of Universities for Global Health (CUGH)

The Global Health Network

  • Global Health Network Process Map - FREE
    Comprehensive, interactive project planning tools for global health researchers, including e-learning, questions and answers, expert guidance, links and tools, and is applicable to all health research settings

Unite for Sight

  • Global Health University
    Webinars and training workshops, low-cost Global Health certificate programs, social enterprise consulting, and fellowship and internship opportunities in the U.S. and abroad

Global Heat Health Information Network (GHHIN)

  • Heat Health Masterclasses- FREE
    Rapid, interactive learning of best practices and science for essential applications in heat health, taught by leading experts in the field

Supercourse global training resources

  • Course: Research Methods - FREE
    Training modules and resources on improving research methods, with the long-term goal of increasing the likelihood of resulting scientific publication for researchers in developing countries. Produced by the Library of Alexandria. Available in many languages.
  • Portal: Global Health Network Supercourse - FREE
    Lectures on global health and prevention designed to improve the teaching of prevention for teachers, professors and other educators. Produced at the WHO Collaborating Center, University of Pittsburgh.
  • Portal: Science Supercourse - FREE
    Resources for teachers, professors, and other educators to use as they see fit in their teaching of science, including materials in public health, computer engineering, agriculture and the environment. A joint endeavor between the Library of Alexandria in Egypt and the WHO Collaborating Center, University of Pittsburgh.

United States Agency for International Development (USAID)

  • Global Health eLearning Center - FREE
    Internet-based courses to expand the knowledge in key public health areas for USAID public health professionals. Courses include a blend of technical and programmatic content on topics such as child health, HIV/AIDS and infectious diseases.
  • MEASURE Evaluation Learning Center - FREE
    Online courses on monitoring and evaluation (M&E) topics for researchers, program managers, trainers, policy makers, students and other public health professionals. A fundamentals course is available in English, French, Spanish, Portuguese and Vietnamese. Funded by USAID and PEPFAR, offers

World Health Organization (WHO)

  • OpenWHO - FREE
    Interactive, web-based, knowledge-transfer platform offering online courses to improve the response to health emergencies.
  • Patient Safety - Education and Training - FREE
    A collection of training materials and tools to help individuals and organizations improve their understanding and knowledge of patient safety.

University Courses and Programs

Johns Hopkins University

Stanford University

  • Stanford University Online - FREE
    Stanford University’s extended education and lifelong learning opportunities both on campus and around the world.
  • Supporting Vaccination: A Toolkit For CHWs - FREE
    Free digital vaccination toolkit to equip community health workers (CHWs) with the knowledge and strategies to increase vaccine acceptance in their communities.

University of Washington Department of Global Health E-learning - FREE
Online courses, including open educational resources to support the education and advancement of students and health workers worldwide. Offers significantly reduced fees for participants in low- and middle-income countries.

    Other Courses and Programs – Health, Medicine, Research, Science

    • ACLS CareerCert - Limited selection of free resources
      Free practice tests, videos and articles from the ACLS Certification Institute, an online provider of emergency life support certification training.
    • ALISON - FREE to participate in courses
      A large collection of online courses on a variety of subjects, including sciences, research and global health. Participation in courses is free; many certifications are fee-based.
    • Basic Biostatistics Concepts and Tools - FREE
      A full course, including slides and video clips, from the School of Public Health at the University of Alabama at Birmingham.
    • Coursera - FREE
      A social entrepreneurship company that partners with top universities to offer courses online for anyone to take, for free. Includes a large collection of courses in research, public health, global health and medicine.
    • Ethics education tools [Archive] - FREE
      Ethics users guides, primers, teaching tools and videos for professors, instructors, practitioners and the public from the archives of the Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues: 2009-2017.
    • edX - FREE
      A nonprofit enterprise founded by partners Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) that features learning designed specifically for interactive study via the web. Offers a variety of courses from leading U.S. universities.
      From the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation of France, FUN-MOOC is a public interest group co-funded by its member institutions and the Ministry, and offering a large collection of courses, including many on research tools and various sciences, in French and English.
    • Futurelearn - FREE
      A collection of free, open, online courses from leading universities powered by The Open University (OU) in partnership with the U.K. government.
    • Institute for Research, Education and Training in Addictions (IRETA) Online Training center - FREE
      Web-based training on a variety of topics related to substance use, addiction and recovery. Most trainings offer the opportunity for continuing education credits.
    • Journal of Clinical Psychiatry CME Institute - FREE
      A collection of over 100 free certified educational activities designed for mental health professionals. Users create an account to gain free access to the course collection.
    • Khan Academy - FREE
      A nonprofit organization providing a free online access to a robust collection of e-learning courses, including a variety of science courses.
    • Lecturio Medical Education Development Initiative - FREE for 2 years with approved application
      Organizations or projects apply for two years of free access to Lecturio's online medical courses. Courses are for students, doctors and clinical staff, and are available on all devices, online or offline (with download).
    • NextGenU.org - FREE
      A portal for free, accredited, higher education, NextGenU.org partners have included CDC and WHO. Offerings include courses, certificates and residencies in the health sciences.
    • Online Education Resources for Bioethics Students - FREE
      A collection of a variety of online bioethics programs and courses maintained by Fogarty.

    • Open College Books - FREE
      A collection of books free for download.
    • Wellcome Trust Education Resources – FREE
      A collection of learning resources, including courses and conferences, to help support biomedical researchers.

    Video Resources

    • DS-I Africa Webinars – FREE
      Webinars covering a variety of data science topics, including accessing cloud services, using persistent identifiers in data, and adhering to FAIR principles.
    • Gender-Transformative Leadership: A Participatory Toolkit for Health Workers from Jhpiego - FREE
      A multi-module toolkit, including videos, slide sets and a facilitator guide covering leading, negotiating, networking and sexual harassment.

    • Global Health Media Project - FREE
      A new, growing collection of online videos on a variety of clinical global health topics created and distributed by the nonprofit Global Health Media Project, designed to reach low-resource health workers who have no other access to this clinical information.

    • iBiology - FREE
      A collection of open access videos of seminars, short talks and full-length courses by the world’s leading scientists, including collections for students and educators.

    • Osmosis Question Database and Video collection - FREE
      Access the in-depth collection of professionally curated medical question, and visual, detailed explanations for medical topics from Osmosis medical learning management tools, which are fee based.

    • Pakistan Biological Safety Association (PBSA) video trainings - FREE
      On-demand video trainings on biosafety. Fogarty is a partner of PBSA, which is dedicated to the provision of comprehensive knowledge related to biosafety issues in Pakistan.

    Limited Connectivity E-learning Resources

    • eGranary Digital Library
      An off-line information collection providing instant access to over 30 million Internet resources to institutions lacking adequate Internet access. eGranary was Developed by the WiderNet Project, a service program based at the University of Iowa's School of Library and Information Science. Installations are available for purchase by organizations.

    COVID-19 Free Online Training

    • Mérieux Foundation - FREE
      Diagnostic Testing in Pandemic Response: the recording of a webinar, co-organized by the Mérieux Foundation and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) on September 15, 2021 explainined the importance of the evaluation of the diagnostic tests launched on the market, the different ways to facilitate access to quality tests and the key role of genomic surveillance to monitor SARS-CoV variants.

    Updated September 26, 2024