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NIH: Fogarty International Center NIH: Fogarty International Center
Advancing Science for Global Health
Advancing Science for Global Health
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Apply for a Grant

The Fogarty International Center, a part of the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH), funds research and research training to build sustainable research capacity in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs).

The Fogarty International Center (FIC) does NOT:

  • Accept unsolicited grant applications,
  • Provide grants specifically for foreign travel to meetings or conferences, or
  • Provide training grants directly to students; we do provide training grants to institutions who select trainees.

If interested in these types of training grants, please see the Non-NIH Funding Opportunities Directory for information about other agencies and organizations that may meet your needs.

NIH Grants Information

How to Apply

  • Find NIH Funding (NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts): All Fogarty grants are in response to program announcements posted on Grants.gov, and are searchable using the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts. To find program announcements, search using keywords from your proposed research. 
    • Fogarty Programs: Listing of current grant programs. (Note: At this time, Fogarty International Center does not accept unsolicited grant applications.)
  • NIH ASSIST (Application Submission System and Interface for Submission Tracking), a system for the preparation, submission and tracking of grant applications through Grants.gov to NIH, is available to streamline and simplify training and career development applications.
  • How to Apply - Application Guide: Use the application guide to submit grant applications to NIH, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Food and Drug Administration, and the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.

Frequently Asked Questions

Human Subjects Research

Find useful information about proposing and conducting NIH extramural research involving human subjects, including policies, regulations, training and resources. 

For Current Grantees

View information on how to Manage an Existing Grant.



Inquiries are encouraged. The opportunity to clarify any comments, issues, or questions is welcome. If you have any Fogarty-specific questions, please call our main line:

  • 301-496-1653

Updated July 16, 2024