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Source Attribution and Transmission Dynamics of Campylobacter and Shigella Using Culture-Independent Molecular Methods in an Urban Slum in Dhaka, Bangladesh

The following grant was awarded by, is supported by, is administered by or is in partnership with the Fogarty International Center at the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH).

Funding Fogarty Program

Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Diseases (EEID)

Project Information in NIH RePORTER

Source Attribution and Transmission Dynamics of Campylobacter and Shigella Using Culture-Independent Molecular Methods in an Urban Slum in Dhaka, Bangladesh

Principal Institution

University of Virginia

Principal Investigator(s) (PI)

Taniuchi, Mami; Platts-mills, James Alexander

Project Contact Information

Email: mt2f@virginia.edu

Year(s) Awarded




Project Description

The objective of this project is to understand the sources and routes of transmission for Shigella and Campylobacter, two important causes of diarrhea in young children, in an urban low-resource setting in Dhaka, Bangladesh. We will follow a longitudinal transmission cohort of households to identify and attribute sources of infections. This data will inform mathematical models to determine the relative importance of person-to-person and environmental transmission pathways.

This project will transform our understanding of enteric pathogen transmission by moving from a broad understanding of fecal-oral transmission routes to pathogen-specific household and environmental pathways of highest relevance.

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