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Mongolian Center for Environmental & Occupational Health - US Award

The following grant was awarded by, is supported by, is administered by or is in partnership with the Fogarty International Center at the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH).

Funding Fogarty Program

Global Environmental and Occupational Health (GEOHealth)

Project Information in NIH RePORTER

Mongolian Center for Environmental & Occupational Health - US Award

Principal Institution

University of Texas Medical Branch Galveston

Principal Investigator(s) (PI)

Gray, Gregory Charles; Dambadarjaa, Davaalkham

Project Contact Information

Email: gcgray@utmb.edu

Year(s) Awarded




NIH Partners


Project Description

This mentored research training program will prepare 25 Mongolian fellows for careers in environmental and occupational research with a goal of influencing Mongolian health policies. The center will have strengths in studying the interactions of air pollution and acute viral infections which are major problems in Mongolia. The training will advance multidisciplinary, environmental, and occupational health research collaborations between U.S. and Mongolian academic institutions.

Partner award: Mongolian Center for Environmental & Occupational Health - LMIC Award (Mongolia)

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