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Analytical capacity building for the study of tobacco carcinogen exposures in India

The following grant was awarded by, is supported by, is administered by or is in partnership with the Fogarty International Center at the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH).

Funding Fogarty Program


Project Information in NIH RePORTER

Analytical capacity building for the study of tobacco carcinogen exposures in India

Principal Institution

University of Minnesota

Principal Investigator(s) (PI)

Khariwala, Samir S; Chaturvedi, Pankaj ; Stepanov, Irina

Project Contact Information

Email: khari001@umn.edu

Year(s) Awarded





Tata Memorial Center
Healis-Sekhsaria Institute for Public Health

Project Description

This project addresses key priorities related to the tobacco burden and tobacco research capacity in India, where the widespread smokeless tobacco (SLT) use results in significant morbidity and mortality. The goal of this project is to investigate the relationship between carcinogen content in SLT products and relevant exposures and oral/head and neck cancer risk in users of these products, while concurrently building capacity for a sustainable tobacco carcinogenesis research program in India. The study will be conducted in collaboration with the Tata Memorial Centre and the Healis-Sekhsaria Institute for Public Health in Mumbai.

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