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Global Health Reciprocal Innovation Virtual Workshop


NIH convened scientific experts, funders, and policy makers to highlight case examples and explore models, frameworks, opportunities, and barriers for using reciprocal innovation in global health research. We discussed how to advance reciprocal innovation in future global health research. This workshop informed the resulting supplement in BMJ Global Health.

Learn more about Global Health Reciprocal Innovation (GHRI) project

Date: October 24-26, 2022

Workshop Goal: To bring together researchers and funders interested in and/or with experience in the field of Global Health Reciprocal Innovation (GHRI) to discuss the state of the field and the path forward for this area of research.


Day 1: Monday, October 24, 2022

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  • Welcome from NIH – Peter Kilmarx, NIH/FIC
  • Introduction to the Global Health Reciprocal Innovation (GHRI) Workshop – Linda Kupfer, NIH/FIC
  • Panel 1: “Models, Opportunities, and Barriers when conducting GHRI” (see table below for additional detail)
  • Moderated Q&A – Dianne Rausch, NIH/NIMH
  • Breakout Panel Facilitators present highlights from small groups
  • Closing – Linda Kupfer, NIH/FIC

Day 2: Tuesday, October 25, 2022

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  • Welcome/Day 2 agenda – Linda Kupfer, NIH/FIC
  • Panel 2: “GHRI Methods, Frameworks, and Gaps” (see table below for additional detail)
  • Moderated Q&A – Chandy John, Indiana University & FIC Advisory Board member
  • Breakout Panel Facilitators present highlights from small groups
  • Panel 3: “Equity Issues and Laws effecting GHRI Research (see table below for additional detail)
  • Moderated Q&A – Jen Kates, Kaiser Family Foundation & FIC Advisory Board member
  • Breakout Panel Facilitators present highlights from small groups

Day 3: Wednesday, October 26, 2022

 View recording

  • Overview of Days 1 and 2, Review Day 3 Agenda – Linda Kupfer, NIH/FIC
  • Round Table Discussion: “Presentation by NIH ICs and others on GHRI Interest”, moderated by Linda Kupfer, NIH/FIC (see table below for additional detail)
  • Discuss next steps and potential outputs

Workshop Panel Outline

Workshop PanelPanelists
Breakout Groups

Day 1, Panel 1: October 24, 2022

Title: Models, opportunities, barriers when conducting GHRI.

Objective: For each unique case presented, highlight the pros and cons of the model used; Identify opportunities afforded by GHRI; Identify barriers to GHRI research

  • Dianne Rausch, NIH/NIMH (moderator)
  • Janet Turan, U. Alabama, Birmingham—The FRESH Intervention (Finding Respect and Ending Stigma around HIV)
  • Albert Liu, San Francisco Department of Public Health—PrEPmate by WelTel: Digital Health Innovation to Support PrEP Engagement
  • Josefien Van Olmen and Caroline Masquillier, University of Antwerp, Belgium—Reciprocal or Reverse innovation?
  • Chris Longenecker, U. of Washington—Reciprocal Innovation to Improve Hypertension Care for People Living with HIV (PLWH) in the USA & Uganda
  • Debra Litzelman, Indiana University—Reciprocal Innovation: A New Approach to Equitable and Mutually Beneficial Global Health Research and Partnership


  • Paul Gaist, NIH/OAR
  • Anna Ordóñez, NIH/NIMH
  • Damali Martin, NIH/NIA


  • To describe and share experience with different GHRI models
  • Discuss and list opportunities afforded by GHRI
  • Discuss and list barriers encountered in conducting GHRI
  • Discuss and list models of implementing GHRI and what’s needed to make a model work

Workshop PanelPanelists
Breakout Groups

Day 2, Panel 2: October 25, 2022

Title: GHRI methods, frameworks, and gaps

Objective: Explore various GHRI frameworks, methods and identify research gaps

  • Chandy John, Indiana University & FIC Advisory Board member (moderator)
  • Susan Zieff, San Francisco State University—Sunday streets community intervention: from Bogotá, Colombia to San Francisco, CA
  • James Dearing, Michigan State University—Global Ideas for U.S. Solutions: A Designing for Diffusion Framework
  • Yolanda Ogbolu, University of Maryland, Baltimore—Global Learning for Health Equity
  • Jonathan Sugarman, Global to Local, Seattle, Washington—Global Learning for U.S. Primary Health Care: Background, Framework, and Resource Guide Overview


  • Divi Rao, NIH/NCI
  • Jenelle Walker, NIH/NICHD
  • Rashmi Gopal-Srivastava, NIH/NCATS


  • Describe and share experience with different frameworks and methods to conduct GHRI
  • Discuss and list what is needed for GHRI regarding methods and research frameworks
  • Discuss and list what a research agenda could look like

Workshop PanelPanelists
Breakout Groups

Day 2, Panel 3: October 25, 2022

Title: Equity issues and laws effecting GHRI research

Objective: Explore GHRI research: equity issues and legal considerations

  • Jen Kates, Kaiser Family Foundation, FIC Advisory Board member (moderator)
  • Garry Aslanyan, WHO—UKCDR_ESSENCE Four approaches to support Equitable Partnerships
  • Matthew Harris, Imperial College, UK—Legal, regulatory and ethical aspects to Reciprocal Innovation - U.K. perspectives
  • Ruth Verhey, Friendship Bench—Friendship Bench: a program from the global South Equity issues & laws to consider when conducting RI research
  • Virginia Rowthorn, University of Maryland, Baltimore—Legal and Regulatory Barriers to Reciprocal Innovation


  • Miguel Ossandon, NIH/NCI
  • Natalie Tomitch, NIH/OAR
  • Andrea Horvath Marques, NIH/NIMH


  • Share experiences with equity and legal aspects of GHRI
  • Discuss and list what is needed to address rules, regulations and laws when conducting GHRI research
  • Discuss and list what is needed to address
  • Discuss what a GHRI research agenda would look like for equity and legality in GHRI research

Workshop Panel
Breakout Groups

Day 3, Round Table Discussion: October 26, 2022

Title: Presentation by NIH ICs and others on GHRI Interest

Objective: To discuss institutional interest in learning about reciprocal innovation and any programs that support RI

Moderator: Linda Kupfer, NIH/FIC


  • Dianne Rausch & Anna Ordóñez, NIH/NIMH
  • Erica Rosemond, NIH/NCATS
  • Tanchica West & Alpa Patel-Larson, HHS/HRSA
  • Melanie Bacon, NIH/NIAID
  • RDML Timothy Holtz, NIH/OAR
  • Flora Katz, NIH/FIC
  • Divi Rao & Miguel Ossandon, NIH/NCI
  • Vijeth Iyengar, AARP
  • Martina Todaro, RWJF

*If you would like links to any of the publications or resources referenced in the recordings, please contact us.