Retired Fogarty deputy director Dr. Mark Beaubien dies
August 2010 | Volume 9, Issue 4

Photo courtesy Beaubien family
Dr. Mark Beaubien, 88, former deputy director of Fogarty, died recently at a Silver Spring retirement community. Beaubien joined the NIH when Fogarty was in its infancy and was instrumental in laying the groundwork for its extramural research programs. He also helped establish the Fogarty Scholars in Residence initiative, which attracted luminaries such as anthropologist Margaret Mead and Albert Sabin, developer of the polio vaccine.
“We are grateful for the incredible vision and foresight he provided and the solid foundation he helped to build in the early years of our center’s development,” said Fogarty director Dr. Roger I. Glass. “Fogarty has now trained more than 5,000 scientists around the globe and supports more than 400 research and training projects in 100 countries.”
Beaubien also served as acting director of Fogarty from July 1982 until January 1984 and soon after retired from the NIH.
Earlier in his career, he was staff physician in Asia for the Peace Corps, worked for USAID in Vietnam and directed malaria eradication efforts in Thailand. In the 1960s, he led medical operations in Indonesia and Vietnam for Project Hope, a humanitarian organization.
Born in Chicago, he received both his undergraduate and medical degrees from the University of Chicago.
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