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Learn how to acknowledge Fogarty funding

January/ February 2022 | Volume 21 Number 1

Researchers and institutions that receive support from Fogarty or other NIH Institutes and Centers (I/Cs) are required to acknowledge this funding in presentations, papers, posters and press releases. They are to include the specific grant number and the complete name of the I/C and funding agency. 

Communicating Fogarty's support of research results contributes to the public's understanding of how Fogarty, and the NIH as a whole, support biomedical research. Publicizing research grants creates transparency of funding sources and promotes scientific discoveries made with U.S. government support. 

Prior to issuing a press release concerning the outcome of Fogarty-funded research, grantees are asked to notify the Fogarty Communications Office at ficinfo@nih.gov in advance to allow for coordination. 

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