Fogarty welcomes new advisory board members
May / June 2013 | Volume 12, Issue 3
The Fogarty International Center recently welcomed six new advisory board members who will provide guidance on funding awards and other global health activities:

Photo by Ernie Branson/NIH
Fogarty Director Dr. Roger I. Glass, left, welcomes new advisory
board members (from left) Drs. William Tierney, Rebecca
Richards-Kortum, King Holmes and George Hill. Not shown are
Drs. Michele Barry and Michael Merson.
Dr. George Hill is a professor emeritus of pathology, microbiology and immunology at Vanderbilt University, and was the medical school's first associate dean for diversity. He conducted groundbreaking research to advance biomedical science worldwide, resulting in a broader understanding of the tsetse fly-transmitted "African sleeping sickness."
Dr. Rebecca Richards-Kortum is a professor of bioengineering and electrical and computer engineering at Rice University, as well as the director of the Rice 360°: Institute for Global Health Technology. Her work focuses on translating research that integrates advances in nanotechnology and molecular imaging with microfabrication technologies to develop inexpensive, portable imaging systems that provide point-of-care diagnosis.
Dr. King Holmes is the William H. Foege Chair of Global Health at the University of Washington, heads the infectious diseases section at Harborview Medical Center in Seattle, and is founder and director of the University of Washington Center for AIDS and STD. Holmes is the principal investigator for the International Training and Education Center for Health, a collaboration between UW and the University of California San Francisco, and one of the largest HIV/AIDS training programs in the world.
Dr. William Tierney is president and CEO of the Regenstrief Institute, Inc., as well as a professor at the Indiana University School of Medicine and chief of internal medicine at Wishard Memorial Hospital in Indianapolis. His research focuses on implementing electronic health record systems in hospital and outpatient venues in Indiana and in East Africa.
Dr. Michele Barry is senior associate dean for global health and director of the Center for Innovation in Global Health at Stanford University's School of Medicine. As director of the Yale/Stanford Johnson and Johnson Global Health Scholar Award program, she has sent more than 1,000 physicians overseas to help strengthen health infrastructure in low-resource settings.
Dr. Michael Merson is the founding director of the Duke Global Health Institute, as well as a professor of medicine, global health, community and family medicine, and public policy at Duke University. Previously, he was Yale University School of Medicine's first dean of public health.
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