Global health news briefs - December 2019
November / December 2019 | Volume 18, Number 6
Fogarty studies diversity of authorship
About one-third of NIH-funded research publications had at least one co-author with a foreign affiliation, a Fogarty study showed. Papers with both U.S. and foreign authors had a higher category-normalized citation impact than those whose authors were only U.S. affiliated or non-U.S. affiliated.
NCI offers implementation science training
The NIH’s National Cancer Institute (NCI) is offering both a facilitated and an open-access, on-demand course on dissemination and implementation (D&I) research. Each of the six modules introduces fundamental terms, concepts and principles of D&I, with examples of their application.
Lancet reports on climate change
The Lancet Countdown’s annual report on climate change examines more than 40 indicators and shows a rise in health impacts including increased transmission of dengue fever, a growing number of days suitable for vibrio—a pathogen responsible for diarrheal disease - and rising mental health issues.
World Bank publishes study on AMR
A new World Bank report - Pulling Together to Beat Superbugs - identifies knowledge gaps such as the current level of antimicrobial consumption in humans and animals, and what vaccines could be developed to reduce microbials that stymie efforts to contain AMR.
Report examines global drug regulation
A new study by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine provides an overview of the global drug regulation landscape and presents a strategy for improving cooperation among regulatory authorities to ensure the quality, safety and efficacy of medicines.
WHO says adolescents inactive, at risk
The majority of adolescents worldwide are not sufficiently physically active, putting their current and future health at risk, according to a new WHO-led study. More than 80% of school-going adolescents did not meet current recommendations of at least one hour of physical activity per day.
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